Friday 03302012

The man, the legend.. Will Gibson

No classes on Saturday due to Survival of the Fittest, all volunteers please meet at CFP at 7:30pm Friday night.  

A.  Group Warm-up “Dodge Ball”  

B.  For time: 

400M Run 

50 x Squats 

400M Run 

50 x Sit-ups 

400M Run 

50 x Push-ups 

400M Run 

50 x Alternating Push-ups 

400M Run 

C.  Group Mobility 

-Post results under comments 


5 Responses
  1. Mike Ganrude

    My WOD time 20:06
    10 rounds AFAP
    -5 strict HSPU’s
    -5 strict chest to bar pull ups
    -10 push ups
    -10 toes to bar
    -10 sit ups

    Very tough WOD, shoulders and grip were shot!

  2. Amy

    I did this Sat 03/31 at home.

    All runs at 7mph on treadmill
    I did 2 rounds of traditional push-up on my knees (thumb injury made it difficult to do the Alternating pushups.