Get To Know Jessica Lesko

Since joining less than 4 years ago, this woman has completed multiple marathons and obstacle course races.  Seriously amazing!  Read on to get to know Jessica Lesko!

What do you do for a living?

I am a lab supervisor at Mayo Clinic.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?

Trail running and OCR racing with my CFP crew and hanging out with my dogs.

What made you decide to try Progression?

I was struggling to find a gym/activity that motivated me to work out for more than a month so my husband suggested I try Crossfit.  I found Progression online and gave it a try.

How long have you been at CFP?

Since October 2014.

What was your experience with fitness like prior to Progression?

I was pretty sedentary for a few years.  I eventually hit a number on the scale that motivated me to do something about it.  I started running in the spring of 2014 and worked my way up to a half marathon just before I joined Progression.

What was your biggest fear when you started?

Getting hurt.  I was really intimidated by the barbell.

Favorite cheat day meal?

Todd’s burger at Newt’s or pizza and dessert of pretty much any type.  I have a serious sweet tooth.

What goal(s) are you currently chasing?

This year I don’t have a big goal race, which feels a little weird, but I needed a year off from marathon training.  Sticking with nutrition is my biggest goal right now.  I’d also like to continue improving my upper body strength with pullups and dips.  Deep down I know I will eventually have to try again for the ever-elusive sub-5 hour marathon.

What’s the hardest part about your fitness journey at the moment?

Nutrition and motivation.  I really struggle with both in the heart of winter.  The Open always sparks my motivation so now I’m just trying to clean up my nutrition, stick to it, and get back into shape.

What’s one thing your fellow CFP’ers would be surprised to learn about you?

I have finished 3 full marathons since joining Progression.

What’s your favorite piece of advice you’ve gotten from a coach or member at Progression?

Whenever I’m running a race, a test run, or a particularly nasty tempo run I start to hear Josh in my head saying “run your race”.  The first time he said it I didn’t think much of it, but now it is my mantra to calm my breathing, slow down, and focus on my goal.  I have crushed some PR’s with it running through my head.  Thanks Josh!!

How has your outlook on health/fitness changed since starting Progression?

I really didn’t think much about fitness or nutrition before Progression.  Now, both are definitely staples in my daily life and I can’t imagine where I would be without it.  Every year I surprise myself by doing something I couldn’t do the year before, even if it’s just some task around the house.  A few weeks ago I managed to move a solid oak dresser upstairs by myself without even thinking about it and then I was like, holy crap, did I just do that??  I am constantly amazed at the physical, mental, and emotional strength I have gained with CrossFit.  It has absolutely changed my life.

What has been your fondest memory during your time at Progression?

Definitely Friday Night Lights!!  I LOVE the Open.  It pushes me out of my comfort zone to try something that I did not think I could do and so far every year I have gained a skill in an Open workout.  The anxiety leading up to it, the competition, and the adrenaline rush of pushing through a workout you didn’t think you could do is addicting.  I also love cheering on my fellow CFPers and the amazing roars from the crowd when someone gets a first.  We have such a great community!

Why do you think you’ve stuck with Progression?

The coaches and the community.  It doesn’t get any better.  I’ve made some really great friends at Progression.

What would be your one piece of advice for someone who’s just joining Progression?

Keep an open mind and stick to it.  Don’t let a workout intimidate you or be afraid to push yourself.  You may have to scale at first, but the day will come when you won’t have to and it feels great!