Get To Know Millie Suk

Millie looks sweet but don’t underestimate this one!  She’s got grit and she knows how to use it! 😉 Read on to get to know more about the awesome Millie Suk.



What do you do for a living?

I am a Health Policy Director for a national medical society – American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?

Hiking, going for walks… pretty much anything that involves being outdoors.

What made you decide to try CrossFit?

I was always involved in sports as a kid and played soccer through college.  I got into marathons after college but after a knee injury and a few surgeries, I realized my body just couldn’t handle the mileage anymore.  I needed a new outlet and decided to give CrossFit a shot.

How long have you been at Progression?

It will be 2 years in December.

crossfit progression gym

What was your experience with fitness like prior to CrossFit?

I was always in organized sports when I was younger and then played soccer in college.  After college, I struggled not being on a team or having a set schedule.  Eventually, I got into running and training for marathons.  After getting injured, I tried the whole big gym thing but it felt like work to go and I didn’t really enjoy it.  I missed having the people around to push me.

What was your biggest fear when you started CrossFit?

That my knee wasn’t going to be able to handle it.  I had to modify things a fair amount for the first six months or so but as I got stronger, I found that my knee could handle basically everything at CrossFit Progression.

What’s your favorite cheat day meal?

Sushi, (I guess the rice makes it a “cheat”).

What goal(s) are you currently chasing?

Ring and bar muscle-ups, stringing HSPU’s together, and improving my OLY lifts.

What’s the hardest part about CrossFit?

Challenging myself to go heavier on OLY lifts – I’m still nervous about dropping the bar on my head!  Oh, and sled pushes – that always ends with me throwing up!

What’s one thing your fellow CFP’ers would be surprised to learn about you?

I have several phobias: flying, heights, and blood.

What’s your favorite piece of advice you’ve gotten from a Coach at Progression?

In response to me whining: “CrossFit’s hard!”  I don’t know if that really counts as advice but I still think about it every time I want to whine about something, (not that it always stops me from whining!).

How has your outlook on health/fitness changed since starting CrossFit?

I had never really focused on strength prior to CrossFit.  I’m still much more comfortable with the cardio stuff but I’m learning to like lifting. 🙂

What has been your fondest memory during your time at Progression?

This is a tough one – so many memories to choose from!  I guess I’ll go with my first Friday Night Lights.  I was still pretty new and didn’t know anyone very well but I ended up with great teammates, (who I’d only met for the first time) and the atmosphere with everyone cheering each other on was awesome!

Why do you think you’ve stuck with Progression?

Definitely the people – the community.  I also love the atmosphere – everyone is pushing themselves and each other to get better and stronger every day.

What would be your one piece of advice for someone who’s just joining Progression?

It can be intimidating watching other people lift heavier weight or do complicated movements but stick with it and you will be shocked at what you can do.
