Monday 08042014

Get strong.  Help others.
Get strong. Help others.


A.) 5×10 heavy Russian KB swings

B.) 8 Min AMRAP

2 KB clean + push press (Switch hands, 2 total)

8 burpees

4 KB clean + push press (Switch hands, 4 total)

8 burpees

And so on…


A.) Clean and Jerk 6×1 @ 90% or less

B.) 8 Min AMRAP

2 P Clean + Push Jerk (115/75)

8 Bar Over Burpees

4 PC + PJ

8 Bar Over Burpees

6 PC + PJ

8 Bar Over Burpees

And so on…


A.) Clean and Jerk – 4×1 @ 90% or less

Clean pulls – work up to a 2×1 @ 1rm clean

B.) 8 Min AMRAP

2 P Clean + Push Jerk (185/125)

8 Bar Over Burpees

4 PC + PJ

8 Bar Over Burpees

6 PC + PJ

8 Bar Over Burpees



10 min butterfly pull-up practice

If you start to get the hang of it, try

EMOM 5 min – 5 pull-ups


10-15 min pistol work

Practice some regular, weighted, and

scaled if needed then…

Accumulate 50 reps Rx or scale as needed

go hard, but not “WOD” speed

8 Responses
  1. Crysta P

    A. 115, 115, 120, 120, 125, 125 – felt solid
    B. 8+8 (completed 8 pc 8 burpee + 8 pc)
    Ongoing battle with being more efficient in the PC+PJ…

  2. Sara G

    A. 85, 90, 95, 95, 100, 100
    B. Rx, completed 10 PC + PJ – wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be

  3. JennF

    A. 125-135-135-135-135-135 Hit my thighs more often then not. Progress.
    B. Completed 9 PC/J of the round of 10 at 105. Muscled up most of them… when not concentrating.. go back to poor form. Probably should have gone slower/lighter.

  4. Marcy

    SO GREAT to be back at CFP WITH my guy John Colbert!
    A. all @ 55
    B. all @45 … completed 10 PC/PJ, but didn’t get the bar over burpees done before the clock ran out, so 5 sets of PC/PJ (2-4-6-8-10), but only 4 sets of burpees (8-8-8-8)
    Good workout, great coaching Nic!

  5. Susan kian

    Sport Rx warmed up for c and j but didn’t get a chance to go heavy…

    WOD -thru 8 rounds. Took my time. Trying to work on my form and keeping my core tight. I had to go get my baby so I couldn’t do the other parts of the workout at the gym. 50 pistols at home. Will do pullups tomorrow.

  6. John Colbert

    A: 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.5 pood Russian swings
    B: Completed 12 sets of KB pc, push press, blue KB right arm, 10 lb db left arm.

    Shoulder felt good tonight.

  7. Paul Bye

    A. 115-165-165-165-175-165. Feeling tired today and smacked my chin on one of the jerks, so avoided going any higher in weight.
    B. 10+2, Rx