Saturday 09142013

CFP Boot Camp  

Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm.  CFP offers group discounts of three or more, for more details and to register follow this link.  



A.  4 Sets

10 x Front Rack Kettlebell Squats

45 Sec Rest

10 x Kettlebell Rows

45 Sec Rest

B.  5 Rounds for Max Reps

30 x Sec Calorie Row

30 x Sec Rest

30 x Sec Wallballs

30 x Sec Rest


A1.  Front Squat – 5 x 3

A2.  Kettlebell RDL – 5 x 5


400m Run

21 x Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb

30 x Pull-ups

50 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch

30 x Pull-ups

21 x Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb

400M Run


A.  Snatch Balance – 5 x 1 w/3 Min Rest


400M Run 

21 x Thrusters @ 115lb/85lb

30 x Pull-ups

50 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/2oinch

30 x Pull-ups

21 x Thrusters

400M Run

Games Track 2014 

A.  CGBP – 5 x 1 w/3 Min Rest 

B.  Every 90 Secs for 10 Sets 

5 x TNG Power Snatches @ 155lb/105lb 

10 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

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5 Responses
  1. Jessi

    A1. 85#
    A2. Yellow Kettlebell (whatever that is)
    WOD 22:34 Rx’d the Thrusters….really wanted to scale back half way through the 2nd set, but I’m happy I stuck with it! I was only getting out 3 at a time by the end.

  2. Sara G

    A1. 4 @ 85#, 1 @ 95#
    A2. Yellow kettle bell
    B. 15:19, jumping pull-ups, 45# thrusters, threw in a few stepups

  3. Sara J

    A.Front squats at 125, 125, 135, 140, 140..
    having a hard time keeping up right when coming up. I lean forward every time, so I went a little lighter today to try and keep that up right torso position
    RDL w/70 lb KB

    B. performance Rx
    debated on doing 85lbs but wanted to do as many unbroken thrusters as possible and 85lbs would have had me doing sets in 2-3

    Great WOD…. always love these longer ones on Saturdays