Saturday 10262013


The Halloween WOD will be this Saturday from 10am – 11am, there will also be normal class hours at 8am and 9am.


Fitness – Performance 

A.  Take 20 Minutes to work up to a heavy 3 rep Back Squat


1000M Row 

70 x Sit-ups 

60 x HR Push-ups 

50 x Walking Lunges 

40 x Box Jumps 

30 x HSPU 

20 x Burpees 

Halloween WOD 

In Teams of 4 

Partition as needed 

20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member) 

120 x Cal Row 

20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member) 

120 x Wallballs 

20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member) 

120 x Russian Swings 

20M <-> x 2 (Each Team Member) 

120 x Box Jumps w/Step down 

-Post results under comments  

5 Responses
  1. Jessi A

    A. 85-105-115-125-135-140
    B. 20 min cap ( we didn’t do the situps). I was 9 burpees shy of finishing 🙁

  2. Megan

    This is a 10# increase from 1 rep max! Apparently all those squats are paying off!
    Don’t know the time I finished this WOD in but it was grueling! I liked the variety. Wow HSPU were the most I have ever done in one setting.