Thursday 03292012

CFP Crew

A.  Deadlifts – 5 x 3 w/2 min Rest 

B.  5 x 3 Minute AMRAPS: 

3 x Deadlifts @ 225lb/185lb 

6 x Burpees 

9 x Sit-ups

3 minute rest after each round  

C.  3 x 10 Back Extensions  

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11 Responses
  1. mdsawyermd

    B. Deadlifts: 135×5, 185×3, 235×3, 235×3, 235×3

    C. Five 3 minute rounds, 3 minutes rest, AMRAP:

    Rounds: 1+9, 1+12, 2+3, 2+1, 2

    My burpees still suck and are a major limiting factor in WODs that contain them, but are getting much better as my hip and knee joint ROM and flexibility improve.

    Deadlift 235×3 is a PR, simply because I’ve not done them before last week.

  2. rooyori

    Deadlifts – 135×5, 225, 275, 275, 295

    WOD – 4+4, 4+5, 4+4, 4+3, 4+4 – slowed down deadlift a little to make sure back did not round, but felt pretty good throughout.

  3. Scott Gamb

    Deadlifts 135,155×2, 175, 195
    WOD 3+6, 3+9, 3+12, 3+12, 3+9 (Scaled: DLs @ 135″)
    Liked this one- doing lots of quick sets, psychologically feels like I’m doing more.