Wednesday 10162013

The CFP Kids Room
The CFP Kids Room


A.  Strict Press – 4 x 10 w/2 – 3 Min Rest

B.  14 Min AMRAP

10 x BB Push Presses

15 x Sit-ups

60 x Single-unders


A.  Strict Press – 4 x 10 w/2 – 3 Min Rest

B.  14 Min AMRAP

5 x Push Presses @ 135lb/95lb

15 x Knees to Elbow

30 x Double-unders


A.  Strict Press – 4 x 10 w/2 – 3 Min Rest

B.  14 Min AMRAP

5 x Push Presses @ 205lb/125lb

15 x T2B

30 x Double-unders

-Post results under comments

14 Responses
  1. Nicole Chovan

    A. Done at 55. Felt pretty heavy today. My shoulders are pretty tired.

    Then, 4×4 CGBP at 75
    Then, EMOM-18 minutes with Matt. Yuck! Need some work on Toes to Bar.

  2. Paul Bye

    A. 65-75-75-75
    B. 4 rounds + 2, @95#, 150 singles (forgot my jump rope – won’t do that again!)
    First day back after vacation, good return workout

  3. Staci Vinz

    A. 65-70-70(8)-65(8)
    B. 5+10 Rx (weight slowed me down, but in the words of Nate, “you got er done”!!!

  4. Susan Kian

    A used men’s bar…75 (8+2) 65 65 65

    B workout started with 105 but moved down to 95, felt like I was straining too much. My shoulders are super tight today.
    Toes to bar felt good at first but started to rip again so did a bunch strict to save hands. Dubs are getting better learning to relax. Problems counting but I think it was 6+19…wasn’t sure if I was on 6 or 7. I think 6

  5. Laura S

    A. #35 then #45 for the other 3 sets
    B. push presses @ 55, sit ups and singles (really need to get the double unders)
    4 rounds + 50 reps

  6. Cory L

    A. 65lbs. Had to break up the last two sets. Nate’s tip on resting with arms locked out instead of in the racked position helped a lot. Thanks Nate!
    B. 5+8. 65lbs on the bar. Was able to do most of the DUs (some SUs to fill in the gaps and help string DUs together). Had fun using the K2E skills work we did last week, although I wasn’t able to string together many that actually touched K2E, but they keep getting easier so next time…! Off to do some callus-care.

  7. Keith

    A: 65#, didn’t quit make all the reps – 10-8-9-8
    B: Fitness – 4 cycles, 65# on the bar. Stupid jumprope!

  8. Steve Vinz

    A. 65, 75, 75, 85.
    B. 4 rounds @ 95lbs. (went lighter while still recovering).

    Out of rhythm for my K2E’s. DU’s are coming along better.
    Enjoyed the workout though!